

Seed of Possibility

October 2024
Macrame string, copper and orange acrylic spray paint
H:12cm W:45cm D:30cm Weight:0.15kg
£300 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included

In this new work I have crafted a piece that I feel embodies my essence of personal growth and transformation.
This sculpture began as a fragment of another work, but it soon took on a life of its own, evolving into something entirely new.

This tactile object is a reflection of my journey right now. Its open construction allows you to peer inside, revealing the intricate process behind its creation.
Unlike my usual approach, where every end is meticulously finished, I have left this piece raw and open, exposing its inner workings.
This transparency not only highlights the beauty of its outer form but also offers a glimpse into the journey of its growth.

Pendulum Wave ( Kinetic Sculpture )

July 2024
String, recycled golf balls and acrylic spray paint
Height: 2mtrs 5cm Width: 82cm Depth: 5cm
£1000 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included

Created using recycled acrylic sprayed golf balls, different knots house the golf balls and a specific knot for the main supporting string. Each ball is encased using a different coloured string.
Based on the Pendulum Wave; a series of pendulums with increasing lengths, each set to oscillate at slightly different periods.
When all the pendulums are released simultaneously, they create a display of wave-like patterns, including traveling waves, standing waves, and random motion.
It was built as a performance piece for my duo exhibition at the OXO Gallery, at Londons Southbank, to create connections and conversations with visitors to the exhibition. It proved a big hit with kids and adults alike!

One Knot at a Time

June 2024
String Sculpture
Macrame string, neon green florescent spray
Length:29cm Width:21cm Height:11cm Weight:0.13kg
£250 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included

It begins with a single, solitary knot. Then another, and another.

In this my latest sculpture I want to show the power of simplicity. The most basic forms can often be the most dramatic and satisfying.
This oversized knot is made from lots of square knots to form a tube and then knotted into a loose overhand knot.

The overhand knot is one of the most fundamental knots laying the groundwork for many others, including the Overhand loop, Angler’s loop, Reef knot, Fisherman’s knot, and Water knot.


February 2024
String Sculpture
Medium: Gold and Red String
Width: 35cm Height: 10cm Depth: 19cm Weight: 0.08kg
£250 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included

The artist, known for their meticulous planning and vivid imagination, usually envisions the final form of each piece before beginning. However, this particular sculpture marked a departure from their usual process.

Starting with no clear idea of the outcome, the artist embarked on a journey of discovery, guided only by an initial inspirational knot. The creation process was entirely reactive, embracing the improvisational nature of art. This approach required a profound faith in their ability to produce a satisfying sculpture, relying on blind faith that the structure would support itself and turn out well.

This method of working brought a sense of freedom, as there were no preconceived notions to meet, thus eliminating the possibility of disappointment. Yet, it also introduced a significant level of uncertainty, demanding immense self-belief and perseverance to see the piece through to completion.

The sculpture features four specific fisherman’s knots, including one traditionally used to create rope ladders. Through their ongoing exploration of knots, their functions, and techniques, the artist continues to be amazed by their versatility. They approach each project with a clear vision of the knot’s purpose, seeking the perfect knot to fulfil the intended role.

The White Wreath

January 2024
Rope Sculpture
Medium: White 6mm Rope
Height: 67cm Width: 67cm Depth: 14cm Weight: 1.19kg
£1000 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included

In this latest sculpture, Sam reflects on the cycle of life and its fragility, inspired by the loss of many of her friends and family members in the past year.

The sculpture, titled “The White Wreath”, is made of thick rope that forms the circular shape of a wreath, a symbol of both celebration and mourning.

The artist challenges herself by working with a new material that requires a different technique and approach, as well as facing the emotional challenges of confronting her own mortality.

She reminds us that the sculpture is a testament to the value and brevity of life, and how we should cherish it. The result is a powerful and poignant work that invites the viewer to reflect on life and death.

Gravity’s Grace

November 2023
String Sculpture
Medium: Macrame string
Height:70cm Width:14cm Depth: 15cm Weight: 0.05kg
£450 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included


Inspiration for this new work comes from the old fisherman’s knotting techniques used on sail boats. In this piece, what has emerged from a specific knot type and nature’s force of gravity is a form that has evolved, is not contrived or placed. The artist has used the string to convey energy and movement, and the curves of the sculpture invite the viewer to follow them.

Initially the artist started this piece with the motivation to portray a sense of chaos in their life at the moment but ended up creating something quite gentle and curvaceous. Maybe this suggests that there is beauty and serenity amidst the chaos, we just have to find it.

Order from disorder

September 2023
String Sculpture
Medium: Free standing Sculpture – Invisible String
Width:18cm Height:12cm Depth: 18cm Weight: 0.08kg
£300 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included

This piece reflects the creative struggle with a challenging material.
The artist uses invisible string, a high-tensile and unwieldy material to create an intricate, almost glass-like structure.

The string is unpredictable, unruly, and resistant to the artist’s attempts to shape it. The artist has used various methods to tame it, such as pegs, tape, and knots, but the string has a mind of its own. It unravels and twists in unexpected ways.

The result is a piece that is both organic and uniform, chaotic and harmonious. The artist embraced the spontaneity and surprise of the creative process.

This piece is a response to their physical and emotional journey, as they overcame the challenges, string burns, eye strain, frustration, and doubt to reveal the hidden beauty of the invisible string, the fractile-like patterns in its form and delicate shapes cast by light and shadow.

Come Together

August 2023
String Sculpture
Medium: Silver & red string
Height: 10cm Width: 34cm Depth: 22cm Weight: 0.06kg
£350 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included

This piece is a celebration and an expression of the intimate connection between human beings. It goes beyond the superficial level and delves into the deeper subconscious and the essence of connection.

The act of joining or uniting physically, is a primal and powerful way of nourishing the human psyche and creating a bond, a connectivity, a closeness. It is a delicate and fragile balance that can be easily broken or lost.

The chains in this piece represent this balance. They are intricate and vulnerable in their nature.

Every end is a new beginning
March 2023
String Sculpture
Medium: String (using Macrame techniques), wood and copper
Height: 60cm Width: 60cm Depth: 60cm
£1500 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included

The artist explores the tension between concealment and disclosure in their latest sculpture, a cube that symbolizes their personal boundaries and self-image.

The cube is both a container and a construct, holding the artist’s emotions in the form of words inside, while also reflecting the artist’s choices of what to reveal and what to withhold.

The sculpture invites the viewer to question the nature and origin of privacy, and how it shapes our identity and behaviour. The artist suggests that privacy is not a given, but a result of inhibition, and that without inhibition there would be no box.

Gold Tetrahedron (Triangular Pyramid)

March 2023
String Sculpture
Medium: Gold string
Height: 55cm Width: 55cm Depth: 55cm
£850 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included

This three dimensional sculpture was created using knotting techniques. It was constructed in 4 parts of equal length which was challenging as every knot had to be measured for equal distance so it would create a Tetrahedron.

The Diamond

February 2023
String Sculpture
Medium: string / florescent pink spray
Height: 50cm Width: 29cm Depth: 29cm Weight: 1kg
£850 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included
Hanging Instructions: Hung using strong invisible thread – can be adjusted to hanging length with loop at top, hung on hook eye from ceiling or beams.

This three dimensional sculpture was created using macrame and knotting techniques. The main knot used is a square knot.
Structurally this posed many challenges. It was created in eight separate parts, then four parts joined together to form the top and four to form the base. They were then combined to form the diamond.
This is part of my ongoing research into knotting techniques.

Silver Orb

January 2023
String Sculpture
Medium: Silver string
Height: 54cm Width: 50cm Depth: 50cm Weight: 175g
£1500 + delivery/shipping
Certificate of Authenticity Included
Hanging: Hung using strong invisible thread – can be adjusted to hanging length with loop at top, hung on hook eye from ceiling or beams.

The Orb is the first in a series of planned works where the artist was keen to develop intricate, tactile structures to show how they can support themselves, even given the delicate and flexible nature of the material.

Silver Orb won Finalist in Sculpture at the Visual Artist Organisation (VAO) Top 5.

Concrete sculptures created in Lockdown.

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